Popcorn Ceiling Removal, Palm Beach County Painter & Remodel Pros

Best Popcorn Ceiling Removal Services & Contractors in Palm Beach County

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Popcorn Ceiling Removal, Palm Beach County Painter & Remodel Pros

Why are people, especially homeowners, so fixed on removing popcorn ceilings from their properties? Because unlike a few decades ago, this feature alone became a hassle and eyesore. Moreover, it reduces home value and doesn’t allow you to sell your property in many cases, as new homeowners or buyers are trying to get smooth and luxury ceilings above anything else. The issue with popcorn ceiling removal lies in how dangerous the process can be due to the asbestos some contain, which is the first reason many people can get rid of them. At Palm Beach County Painter & Remodel Pros, our company can help you with the full process.

We pride ourselves in being one of the few businesses in the area that offers quality support and reliability when working with this removal. You can expect us to inspect your property, determine how to handle the popcorn, and test whether it has asbestos. Then proceed with the removal according to the condition and how your ceiling will look afterward.

While this is a project many homeowners consider a DIY opportunity, you want to ensure that none of the ceiling pieces fall on your property, especially when this project involves asbestos. Otherwise, you will be exposed to hazards and all the components that can lead to specific diseases.

Our team is here to take care of it and ensure you don’t have to worry about quality, the heavy work, and deal with the mess left behind from the removal. As long as you let us perform a previous inspection, w will be more than happy to ensure the whole process is clean, properly done, and with quality and stunning results.

Is Asbestos the Only Problem with Popcorn Ceiling Removal?

Yes, and o. it will definitely be the main factor since removing it can loosen all the asbestos into the air, leading to more problems as you work on your property or remain with it. 

Therefore, this is a race against how you can remove it without leaving traces behind and ensure you can have full support throughout the cleaning and post-removal process.

How messy it gets isn’t only about the pieces falling but how the remaining ceiling must be handled. While some people consider leaving the whole ceiling with the remains of the popcorn or what is left in terms of texture, we recommend focusing on getting a new design. This will make your property safer, add value to it, and ensure you can get a clean result for your space.

As long as it is properly done from the very beginning, you can expect a popcorn ceiling removal that is within your reach and a good option to increase home value.

Now, this isn’t specifically a problem but rather a matter of preferences. Some people want to have popcorn removed for the asbestos, but also because of how it looks. Which one are you?

Depending on your main goal with this project, it can be addressed differently and even save you resources. In case you do like the texture and only want to make sure it doesn’t have asbestos, it is possible to run tests and determine this. If it doesn’t have any, you can keep your popcorn and work with some changes and upgrades to make it look good again.

In case it does have it, removal is always the way to go, and how we will help you so that you can bring a new and safe ceiling to the space.

Is Popcorn Ceiling Removal Expensive?

The price depends on multiple factors:

  1. The difficulty and complexity of the removal. To begin with, it having asbestos will involve more work, specific equipment, and materials, which should be coupled with qualified experts.
  2. What type of ceiling or surface do you want once the removal is done?
  3. The amount of popcorn texture to be removed and how many rooms it involves.
  4. Prep work and the materials’ quality and type.

Overall, you can expect to pay about $3 to $6 per square foot. Some full projects range between $1.780 to $4.000. for this, it is important to work around a custom estimate that will delimitate the process and what are your specific needs through it.

Therefore, feel free to contact us at Palm Beach County Painter & Remodel Pros so that we can offer you a free inspection and quote for your space and popcorn ceiling removal needs.

Here is a list of our services you can get at Palm Beach County Painter & Remodel Pros:

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.